Our Facilities
College Bar
At Harris Manchester, we have one of the university’s few student-run college bars, translating to some of the lowest bar prices in Oxford. We provide a range of bottled beverages as well as spirits, and plenty of sugary drinks to get you through a late night revision session. The bar is located in the JCR, within the main college building. Contact our Bar Manager for further information.
There are currently no gym facilities on-site within the college. To compensate for this, the college offers complimentary gym membership at the Oxford University Gym on Iffley Road. Our memberships entitle you to use the swimming, gym and track facilities free of charge. Show your university card to the gym reception and they'll let you in.
Eduroam Wi-Fi access is provided throughout the college. Students have access to the Peter Cruddas Computer Suite situated in Graham Pye Hall, with 6 PCs available 24/7. PCs are also available in the college library. Printing is available outside the Warrington Room and in the library, for a small charge. For further information, contact the college IT Staff (it-help@hmc.ox.ac.uk), or review the college website.
The laundry room is situated in Graham Pye Hall, and contains three washing machines and three tumble dryers. The washing machines cost £2.70 per use, and £1.70 for the tumble dryers, and are payable by card.
The college Tate Library is one of the most beautiful in Oxford. Recently refurbished, the bookcases are located on the lower ground level, while desks are distributed across the lower ground and mezzanine floors. Harris Manchester has extensive library resources, with the highest book to student ratio of any college. The college can also buy in books on request, and offers a generous book grant for book purchases for personal use. For further information, see the college website, or contact our librarian, Kate Alderson-Smith (librarian@hmc.ox.ac.uk).
The college provides meals to its students throughout the week, as included in the college battels. From Monday to Friday, breakfast is served from 7:45 to 9:00am, lunch is served from 12:30 to 1:30pm, and dinner is served from 6 to 7pm. On Saturdays, only breakfast is served (8:45 to 10:00 am), and on Sundays, only brunch is served (10 - 11am). Formal dinners are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings — starting at 6:45pm — during which academic gowns must be worn over formal dress. On Guest Nights, dinner starts at 7:15pm.