Our Societies
Students at HMC pursue a wide range of activities within and beyond college. Here are some of our favourites.
HMC’s very own badminton team, competing in the University Badminton Club’s year-long college leagues and college cuppers.
HMC is home to one of the few student-run college bars. With that you have the chance to bartend in exchange for credit that can be used at our bar. That’s like free drinks! For more information contact our bar managers.
College Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Come and join us Wednesday and Friday evenings to learn and prepare new songs and old. Our choir usually does weekly services on Wednesdays, and a few performances a term around college (Christmas dinner, intercollegiate services, special occasions). Everyone welcome, join us in the chapel at 5:40! Contact our Director of Music for more information.
Christian Union
The HMC CU aims to be a welcoming community for Christians of all denominations to get to know each other better, and for anyone interested in learning about the Christian faith and the good news of Jesus Christ! Expect weekly lunches on Saturday followed by either a board games social or a Bible study on alternating weeks — for more information, please contact Wesley or Anna.
Horror Movie Society
Horror Movie Society welcomes anyone who enjoys the genre. Screenings are held either in Maevadi basement or in Warrington room on a more or less weekly basis. The society has its own WhatsApp group where several titles within a theme will be proposed to choose from.
Language Practice Society
We provide a forum in which languages other than English can be practised, and to match people who have compatible learning goals. Speakers of any level of ability are welcome, including complete beginners.
Literary Society
We provide publishing opportunities and enhance the profiles of writers. We also provide a space for all to engage with contemporary literature. We also host regular socials that allows fellow writers and creatives to meet each other and network with professionals from across the university and beyond.
Play Society
Play Society is HMC’s drama society, a way that students within HMC can interact with drama and theatre. Our main aim is to promote interest in student drama and to assist any and all students who would like to get involved with the same.
Refugee Language Project
HMC is the base for a programme of English language classes provided to Ukrainian refugees living in and around Oxford. If you’re interested in committing as little as two hours every fortnight to really make a substantive difference in the lives of people who deserve it, then please do get in contact with Max.
Quite a few Harris Mancunians row with Wadham. (And the women were head of the river in 2017!) In the first term there is a lot of focus on new rowers (novices) and term ends with the Christ Church Regatta – a intercollegiate regatta for novice boats only. It’s great fun so give it a try – even if you’ve never rowed before. The Wadham College Boat Club (WCBC) is great and they do a lot of social stuff too!
Weekly tennis sessions for players of all levels, geared towards casual and fun tennis. Open to all members of the college — no commitment, drop-ins welcome.
Wine Society
We meet three times a term to enjoy and appreciate internationally acclaimed wines from around the world. We commence Wednesday evenings before college ‘Guest Night’ formals.